How To Get Rid Of Umbrella Grass

How to Get rid of umbrella grass? You can smartly use weed killers like many use or pry the plants up with your hands. That can be too tiring.

There are some manual solutions by which you can also control those grasses forever. That’s why we detailed here both chemical and mechanical solutions so that you could choose one of your needs. So keep reading.

How To Get Rid Of Umbrella Grass

How To Get Rid Of Umbrella Grass With Our Easy Guide!” width=”720″ height=”405″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen]

This Australian umbrella sedge, scientifically known as Cyperusalternifolius, can grow up to around 45-120 c.m tall. The local people call it an umbrella palm or umbrella papyrus.

This weedy grass is typically found on the edges of rivers and ponds. It almost looks like regular grass, so identifying such weeds is tough. Although, umbrella grasses are very familiar and usually grow best in USDA zones at 8-11.

Hence, this tiny green weed rapidly grows in very moist, boggy, and natural terrain areas. The most additive fact about this plant is it can’t be ruined by overwatering.

As well as this, umbrella weeds can cope well with a similar range of light and temperature as the other plants of your garden. You may now understand, ruin these weeds from the root, giving you some extra panic. So we must go strategically to control this umbrella palm.

This individual grass has five leaves and won’t grow without the tubers. You can tear those weeds using your hands. Here’s the way which can applicable, 

Method-1. Controlling Umbrella Sedge Mechanically

Step 1: Divide The Lawn Into Two Sections

The weedy grasses aren’t grown by roots, only with rhizomes. So you can dig up the grasses using any sharp and large spades.

This method is suitable to do during cold and wet weather. At that time, the weather produced less heat stress on the plants. Wear two gloves, divide the lawn into two sections.

Step 2: Torn The Umbrella Sedge From Root

Now torn or cut out these umbrella weeds from the root one by one. Try to cut those grasses at least 8″ inches in diameter. Cut at least half of the leaves from each of the segments.

Remember, you can’t chop those weeds at all. Umbrella sedges typically regrow from their roots even if you cut them off totally.

You can start from the longest one first, then back towards the planting crown. By making these norms, the difficulty of cutting the enormous lawn becomes easier for you.

Step 3: Replant The Grasses & Water Them

Now replant the grasses and water them regularly. Don’t let the soil start to dry out. Check that you cut off all the plants and all of them disposed of.

And thus, you can control this sedge to grow into the lands. Always remember that this process will help you to control the weeds.

Continue doing this method twice a month. You will see the results.

Method-2. Using Chemical Weed Remover

You can use the chemical weed remover to control the growth of umbrella sedges. The products that contain halosulfuron- methyl are highly recommended in this case.

Halosulfuron-methyl contains MCPA that is also good for reducing or omitting paspalum, nutgrass, and clover growth. This solution can also be used to spray over the grass and cover up a wide area at a time. But you can spread this concentration as much as needed.

On the other hand, use the glyphosate correctly on the lawn. Hence, it is a non-selective herbicide and can poison everything it belongs to. It can also kill the essential insects inside the property.

Choose a sufficient amount of glyphosate for applying and spread it over the weeds. Don’t forget to get your protection wear. Then go through the lawn to work with this. As an alternative, you can fill the solution with a weed reducer and water. Then spray it all over the lawn using the garden hose. The grass sometimes needs to soak the solutions. And you’ll notice the changes very soon.

Some Tips To Prevent Umbrella Grass On Your Lawn

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you get rid of an umbrella sedge?

You can get rid of the umbrella sedge by two methods. One is allowing your hands to tear them from roots and applying any weed out chemical products adequately. But torn or mower the sedge using a spade is safe to reduce this difficulty.

Is umbrella grass poisonous?

In some cases, the reactions of umbrella grass are pathetic. If it was swallowed accidentally, you could get oral irritation, vomiting, kidney problems, tremors, and heart and respiratory problems. The umbrella grass also causes a serious stomach ache towards the pet. They will suffer from indigestion and vomits for the ingestion of such plants.

How do I cut my umbrella grass?

First, cut down the whole stem of the plants. Try to cut from the roots and keep the length sharply around 4-5″ inches. Then cut the leaflets in half and place them on the first one. Thus, you can cut off or trim the umbrella grass.

Is the Umbrella plant poisonous to humans?

Yes, umbrella plants are poisonous to humans. That sedge often contains calcium oxalate crystals. It is situated into the umbrella plant sap. That means these dangerous elements can be found all over its body. In case you ate them unintentionally, consult or call the poison control center.


Without getting proper precautions, it’s tough to get rid of this problem. If you’re still in doubt, try to consult any of your neighbors who have recently been having this trouble. Be aware of using the chemical products into the lawn, only spreading them over weeds. Read out the safety consults that indulge in the product label.

Remember, overusing the products may ruin all the plants on your lawn. Keep away the kids and pets from the workplace for their safety issues. Try out these solutions over how to get rid of umbrella grass. Do a bit of experimental oppression over it.

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