What is the major part of asparagus soil requirements? Well, the soil you have chosen to plant needs to be well-drained. But only well-drained soil won’t work if you lack other conditions of asparagus soil.

Asparagus is one of the unique spring veggies grown in Minnesota. It requires a good soil preparation to produce these perennial plants with fern-like foliage. It’s better to get your soil tested before planting asparagus to identify which essential soil component is lacking.

However, in this article, we will be discussing all the soil requirements for asparagus and how to prepare the soil regarding different soil types. Besides, we will also break down the other common soil amendments for asparagus bedding.

So, without any further due, let’s get started!

Asparagus Soil Requirements- All In On Guide

soil requirements for growing asparagus

Asparagus needs a dedicated permanent place with many nutrients and minerals. Fertile, loose, loamy soil rich in moisture and nutrients makes an ideal soil composition for planting asparagus.

However, Soil factors such as sand amount, pH level, nutrient ratio, soil types, moisture, soil depth, etc., play a vital role in growing asparagus. Now, let’s look at these soil requirements for growing asparagus in a short brief.

pH Level

Asparagus grows best in slightly acidic to neutral soil conditions. The ideal pH level requirement for asparagus soil ranges between 6.5 to 7.5 on the pH scale.

However, asparagus plants can not tolerate high-acidic soil. The soil is highly acidic when the soil pH level is below 6.0. Besides, extreme alkaline soil also harms the asparagus plant growth.

Take an adequate amount of soil samples to your nearest agriculture extension office to examine the soil of the asparagus bed. If the soil is acidic, applying lime to the ground will reduce the acidity.

Sand Amount

Asparagus loves to grow in sandy soil. Sandy soils containing small tiny rocks make the bed well-drained. And a well-drained ground is one of the vital asparagus fern soil requirements.

Sand is a common soil amendment required for asparagus plant growth as it keeps the soil loose. The soil sand particles can hold up enough nutrients and moisture. And it helps the asparagus plants absorb the nutrients better.

Soil Nutrients Ratio

soil nutrient requirements for asparagus include phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. Get your soil tested before planting asparagus to determine if the ground has the proper amount of nutrients for asparagus.

However, the typical soil nutrients ratio should be 10:10:10. You can apply approximately 1 to 1.5 pounds of asparagus fertilizer per 100 square feet bed before planting. And the fertilizer should contain 10% phosphorus, 10% nitrogen, and 10% potassium.

If the soil is already rich in phosphorus, try to use a non-phosphorus fertilizer or a low phosphorus fertilizer.

Soil Depth

You might wonder how deep does soil need to be for asparagus to grow. According to modern plant breeders, improved varieties of asparagus plants require 6 to 12 inches of deep soil. 

Soil Type (Clay, Acidic, Sandy, Or Loamy)

Asparagus can be grown in various soil types. But they thrive best in slightly acidic, loamy, or sandy soil. Also, how deep of soil do asparagus need depends on different soil types.


Clay soils are generally wet and sticky. Clay soils contain small tiny particles that can hold maximum moisture.

However, the major characteristic of silt and clay soil is they resist water filtration when they get dried. And this type of soil can become compacted quickly and often forms puddles on it.


Acidic soil refers to the low pH level of the ground. Acidic soil is not suitable for asparagus plants. A pH level below 6.0 is considered an acidic condition of the soil.


Sandy soils contain bigger particles than clay soil. It stays loose while the clay soil gets compacted.


Loamy soil is another essential asparagus fern plant soil requirements. It is a mixture of clay, sand, and organic matter.

Preparing Soil For Different Soil Types

Preparing soil before planting asparagus is an essential task for every gardener. If the spot you have chosen for asparagus contains acidic soil, you can apply lime. It will increase the pH level of the acidic soil to meet the asparagus beans soil requirements of pH.

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If the soil is clay type or compacted, mix peat moss, garden compost, or cow manure to loosen the soil. You can also add sand to improve the soil composition. Besides, ensure that the ground is free of soil insects, weeds, and trash before planting.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

How do you prepare the soil for asparagus?

You can prepare the soil with some common amendments such as sand, cow or sheep manure, and peat moss. Apply lime if needed. Make the asparagus bed weed and insect-free for better plant growth. It requires well-drained, rich non-acidic soil.

Are coffee grounds good for asparagus?

Yes, coffee grounds work amazingly on asparagus. It contains essential nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium that asparagus requires. Coffee grounds also provide some vital micronutrients in spring vegetables like asparagus.

Does asparagus need rich soil?

Yes, asparagus needs rich soil that is well-drained for best growth. Rich soil refers to the ground that allows air and water to move freely and easily and helps the plant roots uptake nutrients.

Should asparagus be mulched?

Yes, it would help if you mulched asparagus to protect sensitive crowns in heavy rain or low temperature. And, it needs to be loose enough for water percolation. You can use pine shavings, pine, or straw as mulch.

Should I put lime on my asparagus?

Lime is a common element for asparagus gardeners. It would be best if you put lime on the asparagus bed to reduce the acidic condition of the soil. Asparagus thrives best in slightly acidic to neutral soil.


Prepare your desired asparagus ground according to the asparagus soil requirements. Hopefully, this article will be helpful when you prepare the soil before planting or seeding asparagus.

Remember, a well-planted asparagus bed is the first key to getting a healthy growing asparagus garden. Besides, it will be low maintenance, and you can also get an effective homegrown yield for decades.

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