Being careful with maintenance and always asking for repairs/replacements in case of errors are two of the most basic yet often ignored steps toward keeping a bagger going good for a long time.
Your approach towards finding a john Deere bagger parts diagram sounds like you are trying to educate yourself on the elements of this extremely useful gear? Or perhaps, it’s an attempt to look for what’s wrong with the bagger suddenly.
No matter what your reason, we have heard the need for the visual demonstration of this extremely popular bagger’s parts. In fact, more…
Explanation Of John Deere Bagger Parts Diagram!
The John Deere lawnmower has a couple of components that support the bagger operation. We’ll discuss all the parts in detail ahead. Before that, let’s take a look at the diagram of John Deere bagger parts.

John Deere Bagger Parts List
Seeing the above illustration, do you recognize the components? If not, here’s the description of each of them.
A Stand For Chute
No matter if you look at the replacement John Deere bagger parts diagram or the official manual, there will be a long pipe-like thing divided into two sectors (which joints together) and this part is the chute.
So, what is the chute on a lawnmower? It’s a piece of plastic or metal tube that has hollow to transfer the trash into the bags of the bagger.
It simply takes the big, thick, and wet grasses inside the bag ASAP using strong pressure whenever you start to mow using the John Deere. FYI, the lower part tends to be all plastic while the upper side is transparent, meaning you can see whether leaves coming or not.
This part is basically fitted on the mower discharge chute so that the debris moves to the chute directly. It does a great job helping the field to left with no unnecessary leaves or grasses.
In the John Deere lawnmower, the chute includes some tiny accessories like 3 washers, 2 rivets, 2 screws, and 2 mower blades. Apart from that, it contains a label, strap, hook, finger, brushing, and lock nut.
B Stand For Bags and Hangers
Work and looks similar to ordinary refuse sack, the bags of John Deere bagger tend to carry all the trash inside. From the grasses to the visible particles, they can take all with their massive width and storage.
The hangers keep the bag surface inside the handle rod which helps them to carry the grasses or other debris in a secure way.
As you can see in the picture, the bags have a curve shape in one-piece, two-piece, or three-piece forms. Typically, it comes with a pin fastener, spring pin, compression spring, post, frame, lock nut, and screw.
C Stand For Hopper Top
To keep the bag and hanger stay protected while ensuring that the trash doesn’t come out of the bags, this part does a great job.
It is fitted over the bags and hangers using a few accessories such as a frame, screen, tie band, revert, washer, latch, clip, window, lock nut, and so on. Plus, this contains a tiny label just like the chute.
This can be locked but not with the keys but rather attach tightly so that the inside things don’t fall or expose when riding the lawnmower.
How Does a Bagger Work on The John Deere?
The bagger itself is known as MCS aka Material Collection System which comes with a blade to simply suck grass, leaves, or dry petals in the late autumn to spring seasons.
With the 3 big gears (the chute, bags & hangers, and hopper top), the bagger operates quite differently than the sweeper.
To understand the work better, look down below:
In case you are wondering if a bagger is good for leaves or not, it’s truly the finest to collect them without causing harm to the thatch on the land.
A Helpful Tutorial You May Need!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do you keep grass from clogging Bagger chutes?
It is no one or two things that will prevent the chute from getting clogged up. But if you practice a few easy habits, then the occurrence can be reduced to some extent.
For example, you want to always have the underneath of the deck clean. The engine should be run at full throttle. Drier grass is also easy to work with. And not to mention the goodness of walking at a medium pace.
Why is my John Deere Bagger not picking up grass?
The most common reason is not having the right adjustment with the bagger belt tension. This belt is the one that basically runs from the deck toward the blower system. And it keeps grass flowing right.
In case of too much tightness or loosening, there can be a slip of the belt. This later leads to causing big damage to the bagger system. And eventually, you will notice failure and issues with collection instead of having consistent performance.
How do you keep a John Deere bagger from clogging?
Maintaining airflow is probably the best way to ensure no clogging. And you can do that by using high lift blades. With the back side having a high rake angle, it really helps in providing enough airflow through the chute. And this eventually helps to prevent any clog in case of an overload situation.
How do I stop grass from collecting on top of my mower deck?
Prevention of grass build-up is possible with a simple trick. Use some non-stick cooking spray right on the underside. You can also work with some venerable oil, simply rub it on the spot.
If you want a more specifically used type of product, buy some Teflon spray or even the silicone or graphite one’s work. Before applying any of these products, what you want to make sure is that the surface is clean enough to hold the product well.
Can you mow wet grass with a bagger?
Not really a good idea. You should try waiting until the grass dries, as that gives better results. However, if you are worried that the grass is staying for too long and they are not getting a chance to become dry, go ahead with wet grass and prevent those from growing tall.
Wrapping Up
And that was the John Deere Bagger Parts Diagram and explanation we wanted to share. You can now figure out pretty much a lot of how the mechanism works. So, if it’s a problem with any of these parts, you can better relate to what performance lacks to expect.
And in some cases, the fixing of the issue also arrives by being more familiar with the parts. However, if things seem complex, it’s still a valid option to contact a professional.
They will have a look and tell you really what the problem is not to mention the quick solution that shall come along.