Do you want to know the major differences between Kentucky 31 grass and Tall Fescue grass? The major difference between these two of the most widely planted cool-season grasses is their features. The Tall Fescue grass has more features compared to the Kentucky 31 grass.

However, if you select the wrong one between these 2 types of grass, your lawn can turn brown rather than lush and green. Also, it is hard to choose between these two types of grass as there are lots of things to consider about. That is why we are here to give you the proper differences between Kentucky 31 vs Tall Fescue.

Let’s set the checkmate!

Kentucky 31 Vs Tall Fescue

Key DifferencesKentucky 31Tall Fescue
FeaturesIt has lesser features.It has more features.
Heat toleranceBetter heat toleranceLesser heat tolerance
Color differencesA little bit of a darker green colorA little bit of a lighter green color
Best usabilityKentucky 31 grass is best suited for turf.Tall Fescue grass is best suited for live animal stock.
Growing characteristicsKentucky 31 grass thrives best in full sun.Tall Fescue grass thrives in the shade.

We will now take a detailed look to get to a conclusion as to who wins the race between Kentucky 31 and Tall Fescue.

Comparing Features Between Kentucky 31 And Tall Fescue

Kentucky 31 is an excellent grass for typical lawns by homeowners, and numerous people use it in their lawns. Do you want to know the reasons behind it? If the answer is yes, then you need to dive deep into the features of the Kentucky 31 grass. This type of grass has water-repellent features.

Kentucky 31 grass is a type of grass that will fit your budget. It is also easy to implement. In addition, the Kentucky 31 grass holds up well under heavy traffic. Now, when we talk about the features of Tall Fescue grass, the first feature that comes to our mind is that it consumes little water. It is also appropriate to use in heavy traffic.

Tall Fescue grass is adaptable to both sunlight and shade. This type of grass has anti-microbial properties. Also, Tall Fescue grass needs low nitrogen. So, we can say that when we compare the features between Kentucky 31 grass and Tall Fescue grass, Tall Fescue grass wins the race, as it has more features.

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Heat Tolerance Differences Between Kentucky 31 And Tall Fescue

Kentucky 31 offers better drought and heat tolerance than most other cool-season types of grass. It has the edge over hot-season transition zone grasses. Kentucky 31 also offers better cold tolerance than Perennial Ryegrass, which is well known for cold tolerance.

Now, you might be interested to know about the heat tolerance of Tall Fescue grass. It generally has higher heat tolerance than many other cool-season types of grass, but not as much as the Kentucky 31 grass. So, in this comparison, Kentucky 31 is the winner.

Color Differences Between These Two Types of Grass

You will also find color shade differences in Kentucky 31 grass and Tall Fescue grass. If you want to know what color is Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue, then you need to know that Kentucky 31 grass is a little bit of a darker green color. It is considered an appealing shade of green.

On the other hand, the Tall Fescue grass appears to be a little bit of a lighter green color like the color of Zoysia in comparison to Tiftuf Bermuda grass.

Comparing Best Usability of Kentucky 31 And Tall Fescue

Kentucky 31 grass is good for playgrounds because of its independent and strong nature. Athletic fields are built from the Kentucky 31 grass. Many people think of Kentucky 31 when they imagine a dense covering of soft, green grass.

On the other hand, Tall Fescue grass is suitable for hay production in fields for cattle. Tall fescue grass contains a deep root system, which increases its heat resistance in hot, dry climates. However, foot traffic reduces the resistance of the Tall Fescue grass.

If seeded thickly, both Kentucky 31 grass and Tall Fescue grass can construct a nice-looking lawn that is long-lasting. However, it is better to say that Kentucky 31 grass is best suited for turf and Tall Fescue grass is best suited for livestock.

Differentiating Growing Characteristics of Kentucky 31 And Tall Fescue

Kentucky 31 grass hits its highest growth periods in the cooler months of the fall and spring. The same thing happens for the Tall Fescue grass. So, if you want to know Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue when to plant, then you need to be aware that you should plant it during this highest growth period in the fall and spring. Kentucky 31 grass thrives best in full sun.

Kentucky 31 grass’s shallow root structure requires a greater level of irrigation. Taking the time to care for and watering Kentucky 31 grass will aid this plant to grow healthy and strong. On the other hand, Tall Fescue grass thrives in the shade. You need to properly maintain your Tall Fescue lawn to keep it looking its best.

An expert user said in The Lawn Forum regarding this,

“If you don’t have irrigation K31 is a champ. It stays green pretty much all summer. Not the most attractive turf due to the wide blades but it has its uses.”

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Kentucky 31 the same as Kentucky Bluegrass?

No, they are not. The Kentucky 31 grass germinates much more rapidly compared to the Kentucky Bluegrass. Kentucky 31 grass is coarse, light green in color, and broad-leaved. On the contrary, Kentucky Bluegrass is green in color, though a few varieties do have a little bluish cast. Kentucky Bluegrass is a soft, fine-textured grass with thin, long blades and develops in a carpet fashion.

Is Kentucky 31 a good lawn grass?

Yes, Kentucky 31 grass is good lawn grass. Our researchers have found out that the economical Kentucky 31 grass remains a top pick for low-maintenance lawns that will withstand wear, heat, and drought.

Does Tall Fescue grass come back every year?

No, Tall Fescue grass doesn’t come back every year. Turf-type Tall Fescue lawns will generally need seeding each year. It is because a Tall Fescue lawn goes through substantial wear and tear all over the year.

How long does Tall Fescue take to establish?

Fall is the best time to grow Tall Fescue grass, as its seed germinates best in cold weather. If you plant Tall Fescue grass in the fall, the germination time is generally 4 to 14 days, and then it establishes easily. Many factors impact the speed of germination, which are temperature, the watering schedule, and soil pH. A general Tall Fescue grass seeding rate is 5-6 lbs of seed for every 1000 square feet.

Which Grass Wins the Race?

Tall Fescue and Kentucky 31 are two famous cool-season kinds of grass that you will find in the market. Each has its pros and cons, which might only be evaluated based on your landscape needs. You have to choose which grasses will thrive well on your lawn based on the kinds of grasses appropriate for your lawn, climate, and soil conditions.

However, according to us, you should go for Kentucky 31 grass. It has better heat and drought tolerance and a more appealing color than Tall Fescue grass. On the other hand, if you are looking for more features, then go for Tall Fescue grass. Nevertheless, the final choice is yours, and we are hopeful that this article on Kentucky 31 vs Tall Fescue has helped you to make a decision.

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